Nixon's Teddy Bear
historical story centers around the missing 18 ½ minutes of audio from the
Watergate tapes that implicated President Richard Nixon. As far as we know,
that audio was deleted from the only tapes it was recorded on. But what if a
trace of those minutes still existed? What if the FBI would have found them
were it not for a secret agent? And what if that agent was, of all people,
Nixon’s maid?
1970’s was a time of social questioning and exploration for America. Paradigms
of government and war, music and fashion trends, and sexual norms and gender
roles were all rapidly evolving, but it was only the beginning. Politics were,
and largely still are, a man’s world. And for women who for whatever reason ventured
into the workforce, there was no homelier or more traditionally feminine job
than that of a maid. To a member of the FBI such as Agent Carson, a maid like
Julie would already be unremarkable. So the idea that an older, unattractive
maid with a naïve, servile attitude might actually be Nixon’s right-hand would
sound impossible.
drew much of our historical source material from two documentaries, Our Nixon and an episode from The Seventies called “The United States
vs. Richard Nixon.” The TV broadcaster’s dialogue is taken word-for-word from
an actual report given in the 70’s. Haldeman was Nixon’s Chief of Staff. The
basic facts of the Watergate case of course informed the character’s actions
and our central “What-if”, but the unspoken yet prevalent social structures
presented in the documentaries were influential as well. It is difficult to
disregard the lack of women playing influential political and legal roles in
the films. Of the few women who give their opinion of Nixon, several reply much
more demurely or less articulately than their male counterparts. Such
observations don’t prove that women in the 70’s were unintelligent or
unimportant in politics, but they do reflect gender norms of the time, and as
mentioned, we played off of these norms to create Julie’s unassuming façade.
all women know, sometimes it’s easier to play sexism to one’s advantage rather
than attempt to overcome hundreds of years of gender norms. With her collection
of weapons and espionage devices, we implied that Julie has been in the secret
agent business for years without getting caught, so she must be pretty smart.
But she uses her older age and below-average looks, playing the part of a naïve
maid to fly under the radar of the FBI. Carson and his fellow agents are openly
condescending throughout the script. It’s no surprise: They’re younger, they’re
“highly trained” professionals, and they’re men. In other words, the male
agents rest comfortably in social sphere far above Julie. Nixon of course buys
into the idea that Julie is not what she appears to be when he jokes, “I certainly
don’t keep her around for her looks.” But with this comment, even Nixon, who
clearly trusts Julie’s intelligence and competence, readily objectifies her although
a maid’s physical appearance has nothing to do with her ability to clean.
Sexism was complicated in the 70’s and it still is today. Maybe someday people
won’t have to (or be able to) hide behind the stereotypes of their gender,
race, sexuality, or religion in order to accomplish something remarkable, but
until then, this script is our tribute to the “Julies” of the world.
quick connection to the class reading: The antagonist of our story, Agent
Carson, might be a bit black-and-white, but like Persepolis, the depiction of
the scenario in our script is partially a commentary on gender issues. While oversimplification
can become problematic, whether in the blocking of two opposing groups on
opposite sides of a cell in a comic, or in the condescending characterization
of an FBI agent in a script, when done effectively, it’s useful shorthand.
Hopefully Agent Carson isn’t painfully one-sided. We’re sure he has a nice
family back home, and we admit that it probably isn’t easy to remain polite
under the stress of his job.
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